
Metal down to his little core...

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Blogger gregor said...

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10:21 AM EDT  
Blogger gregor said...

sorry about that. i need spell check on my comments!
he looks like a real rocker! bet he's a handful when he gets going!

10:22 AM EDT  
Blogger Mystillate said...

He's a monster. We're grooming him to rule the world with an iron fist one day.

1:57 PM EDT  
Blogger Sonia said...

As a teen, I was listening to Heavy Metal. Which didn't delight my parents, as you can imagine.

But now that I'm grown up and still like Metal, among other genra, I sometimes think that when my daughter reach the teen years, since I also like hip hop (like her), Classical, Blues, Opera, Hard Rock, and I still listen to Metal, the only thing left for her to listen to, in order to rebel against me, would be to listen to Country music.

Can you imagine? Arrgghhh!!!! I haaaaaate Country music!

But then again, she could also start listening to some Christian music. Good Grace! I don't know what would be worst for me... having to listen to some Nashville star sing about lost love with a nasal tone or having to listen to Oletta Adams praise the Lord.

I wish I could just fast-forward the teenage years. Wouldn't it be wonderful? Because when I think about my daughter becoming a teen, I think about karma coming to bite me in the ass and make me pay for everything I put my poor parents throught when I was a teen.



8:42 PM EDT  

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