
The Outcast

Cold and hard like Winter steel,
Tempered by a planet sunken, sallow,
Oh jaded, wasted youth, they tsk,
Knowing eyes rolling in bovine heads
As they down their shots of Apathy - with just a splash of Fear.
Pools of liquid night, her eyes
Swallow the light, the false platitudes.
Beneath the din and clamor of the quickening World,
Spirits call weakly to her assailed ears,
Entreating, weeping.
Her hands tied by a world that will not listen,
She cries in silence perfect, deep.
Slipping sleeping through Reality's cracks,
She comforts forgotten angels
Who, keening, claw at blackened, twisted wings.
Oh irony! She must escape her body
To truly feel, to be felt -
To hear the rough and raw tattoo
Of the drums that keep the Universal Beat.
Shedding flesh and bone and blood -
The shrieking, clutching, burning World,
She slips, ethereal, mysterious,
Darkly glittering and soft
To realms apart -
Outcast no more.


Blogger gregor said...

very nice.
and good luck with the movie. I spent a freezing rainy weekend in the wilds of Pennsylvania last October playing a zombie in a friend's movie, "Old School Dead", which is on hold until the bank account gets built up again. Had a grand time staying awake for seventy hours and living in makeup. Best part was about ten of us going to the Chinese restaurant in the little town near his place for lunch... in full makeup. People actually got up and left. The owners came over and took pictures with us, though and fed us like kings.
Oh, and there is a Detroit roller derby league - http://www.detroitrollerderby.com/
Have fun!

6:11 PM EDT  
Blogger Mystillate said...

One of the lads I've recruited to help with Eater of Space just got through with a zombie film. He said that the extras they got were so excited about being in a movie that they didn't stop to think what 12 hours in heavy make-up would be like. About half of them walked off the set and never came back after just a couple of hours.

Thanks for the heads-up on the roller derby. The Missus and I will be attending on April 29th. Can't wait!

4:25 PM EDT  

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