
Old enough to know better, young enough not to care...

Instant messaging and Irish whiskey is a bad, bad combination.


My hoopy sister Murph is coming to visit on May 4th! Kickfuckingass! I never get to see her any more. She's a story editor at E! Entertainment and Mtv. We're all going out on Cinco de Mayo in an attempt to drink all the booze in D-Town. I'll post pics.

Sam's Easter pic. I would've preferred him in the "Metal God" shirt, but Grandma wanted "some decent portraits". The little tie is cute.

Taking a Toll

This Midnight shift nonsense is really starting to grate. They've decided to do away with days off now. I guess having leisure time is just too decadent. Angil works afternoons, so I get about an hour's sleep on a good day. Can't quit and give up the stellar benefits, though. At least in Michigan, you'd be hard-pressed to find another company that pays 100% of your health insurance (dental, vision, & hearing, too) and matches your 401K contributions AND throws $700,000 at the employees every year in profit-sharing.

Don't know what to do. I'm so tired all the time. Too tired to play with the man-cub, too tired to work on Eater of Space, too tired to get my own fledgling business off the ground. All I want to do is get some bloody sleep! How long do they expect us to go on with no days off?

Whine, whine, whine. Sorry.

On the upside, the man-cub learned to walk today! He's so pleased with himself. He's not so good at it yet, but I'm sure he'll be tearassing around the Manse in no time.

We also found a local store that sells organic milk (no additives, growth hormones, etc.) and the little monster loves it. No more expensive formula! Huzzah.

Okay, I'm hearing, "Dada! Dada! Dada! Dada! Dada! Dada! Dadadadadadadadadada!" I should go.


R.I.P. Punk Rock

Punky Chips Ahoy

Sorry, Sid. Sorry, Joey. Sorry, Exene. It was good while it lasted. (sniff)


Sonic Mindcandy

Been listening to this band (ok, it's one guy) Black Lung lately and I have to say I'm pretty impressed. Call it IDM, Dark Ambient, whatever. I call it PHAT, yo.


The effing Man, man...

I don't know what the situation is where you live, but here in Michigan, we have a seatbelt law that's heavily enforced and it's getting heavier all the time. The cops pick a town and set up these random "Seatbelt Enforcement Zones". Dozens of the little porkers swagger up and down in between cars at red lights and check to make sure everyone's wearing their seatbelts. If you're not, they take down your license plate number and order you to pull over when the light turns green so that they can issue you a ticket. The fine is, I believe, $65.

This kind of nonsense infuriates me.

I am an adult. I understand the risks involved if I don't wear my seatbelt. I DO NOT need Big Brother to keep me in line. It's not about keeping people safe. It's about bringing in more revenue for the state. Not only in fines, but federal money. The state gets somewhere between 5 and 7 million dollars a year from Uncle Sam for aggressively enforcing seatbelt laws. This is absolutely shameful. What's next, Uncle Sam? Imroper toilet paper utilization fines? Perhaps they should start patrolling restaurants to make sure everyone is chewing every bite the required 32 times. My God, do you have any idea how many anal chafing and choking injuries we could avoid?

What really pisses me off are the commercials. Tough-looking mustachioed cops in sunglasses writing tickets while the smarmy voice-over tells us that we'd bloody well better wear our seatbelts, OR ELSE. This is nothing more than highway robbery. I say drop the pretense and just start letting the cops pull you over and issue tickets just for the hell of it.

"Do you know why I pulled you over?"
"No, officer."
"No reason really. Hand over your money."

The best part is, your taxes pay for all of this jackassery.


Metal down to his little core...

Click to enlarge...

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

21% of these United States visited and/or lived in by Pipps Mystillate.

All original text and images, unless otherwise noted, are copyright 2006 Blazing Ape Industries.